Finance Commitee

The Parish Finance Committee is a consultative body of lay persons mandated by Canon law to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the Parish. In each Parish there is to be a finance committee to help the Parish priest in the administration of the goods of the Parish. It is ruled by the universal law and by the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop, and it is comprised of members of the faithful, selected according to these norms (Canon 537).

This Committee is to sustain the mission and the ongoing development of the parish community by providing the necessary administrative and financial skills.  Working closely with the Pastor, who is accountable for the administration of the parish, this Committee concerns itself with all parish resources, by example: the Catholic Ministries appeal (CMA, formerly known as the CPC), the annual parish budget, parish support, and the effective use and maintenance of parish facilities.  The collaboration of this Committee with the Pastor, the parish staff, and the Parish Pastoral Council is intended to free the Pastor for his role of spiritual leadership.

St. Isidore Finance Committee

  • Aaron Atkins (2026)

  • Jeff Betz (2025)

  • Mark Betz (2025)

  • Tony Buechler (2026) Secretary

  • Kelly Knies (2025) Chair

  • Tara Rasche (2027)

  • Rachel Reckelhoff (2025)

  • Christine Sander (2027) Parish Council Liaison: FC voting position, to attend each Parish Council meeting following the Finance Committee meeting

  • Jalen Seger (2026)

  • Kim Seger (2026)

  • Kurt Sermersheim (2025)

  • Amanda Steckler (2026) 2nd Chair

  • Michael Tretter (2026)

  • Pastor - Fr. Simon Natha

  • Parish Operations Manager - Brooke Atkins