A Thank You for 21 Great Years - Glenda Reckelhoff

To my Parish family,                                                               

How do you actually say “thank you” to every single person for all the support they have given you and the parish the past 21 years?  

I want to share my appreciation for everyone who I have had the privilege to teach, work alongside, or just play a small part in their faith journey.  While some of these people have physically left this world, I know they have been my guardian angels.  Believe me I have prayed to these “parish guardian angels” quite often over the years for guidance. I have worked with some amazing parishioners, parents, committee members, catechists, staff, and priests.  THANK YOU all for giving me the support and the encouragement I needed every day. The beautiful reception and all the thank you cards sent to me were blessings as I prepare for my retirement.  

At one of our Confirmation programs, I talked about the book and movie “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” by Mitch Albom and how it makes you think a little deeper on the people that are put in your path in life’s journey.  It challenges you to think about the afterlife –and the meaning of our lives here on earth.  Think about the people God puts in front of you and what it is you are meant to learn from them, even if they are not so caring and cause you frustration.  They ALL make a difference in how you learn from them and how you go forward. 

After recently losing my father, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on his life and the impact he made upon his children, and especially his grandchildren who he played a big role in raising.  The have all turned into such beautiful individuals and are making a positive impact in this world, in large part because of his presence in their lives. He didn’t tell you about how to treat people like family, he showed you with his everyday actions of a handshake, hug, warm smile, patience, kindness, and always a thank you for everything someone does. 

It is now my turn to spend the time with my precious grandkids and to make a difference in their lives.  I challenge you all to do the same by giving those precious gifts that cannot be bought, only given. GIVE your time and God given talents to the next generations in our parish, GIVE the gift of being present with your families, and they will GIVE you great things in return! 

I have worked under 8 priests in my 21 years plus the support of Fr. Tenbarge, Fr. Ackerman, and Deacon Mike.  Each priest has truly been a blessing and helped our parish to grow. I have learned that they have feelings and fears, just like those of their parishioners.  When a new priest comes to our parish, GIVE them the gift of grace, understanding, and a welcoming heart. When you give them support and encouragement, you show them that their presence is important. When you ask them over for dinner, you are inviting them to be a part of your family.  When you get involved in parish life and Mass, you show them you’re thankful for their guidance in your faith.  

I hope you all continue to “make a difference” for those around you and our parish family as you have done for me.  Remember to focus on what you DO NOT have, but what you DO have. And we are truly blessed to have a parish filled with giving, talented, GOOD families and individuals.  Thank you for letting me be a part of it!

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
Glenda Reckelhoff


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