Reverse Raffle Winners!
Congratulations to our winners of the Reverse Raffle. Thank you to everyone who came out to make this event so special and for all those who purchased tickets.
Reverse Raffle Winners: All four final tickets agreed at ticket purchase to split the $10,000!
J. Pfau - $2,500
B. Hall - $2,500
R. Rasche - $2,500
Knights of Columbus, the Good Shepard of the Hills Council - $2,500
Raffle Winners of 50th tickets drawn:
50th Ticket: R. Reckelhoff
100th: T. Wessel
150th: R. Merkel
200th: K. Hochgesang
250th: H. Sander
300th: E. Verkamp
More Information about our Religious Ed and Youth Ministry fundraiser will be published in an upcoming Bulletin after the final tally of costs.