Parish Council
Mission Statement:
“We, the parish of St. Isidore, witness to the world the love of Christ we have received in the Sacraments, and we invite others to personally experience the Grace of God through prayer, acts of service, and spiritual formation.”
Members to 6/30/2027
Terry Friedman
Sherrie Knies
Alex Linne
Amberly Massey
Members to 6/30/2025
Michael Betz (Chair)
Ben Gessner
Kelly Tretter
Kirby Gordon
Members to 6/30/2026
Kenny Beckman
Bill Hochgesang (Vice-Chair)
Lori Merkley
Sherry Schnell
The Parish Council is a consultative body to help the pastor formulate policies concerning both parish and pastoral matters consistent with faith and morals, civil and church law, and diocesan policy. They work with input of the Finance Committee and the Building and Grounds Committee (forming as the Saint Celestine Liturgical Space Committee disbands). As active participants in the life of the Parish, each member serves as a liason to all members.
Parish Council is an congregation-elected position with a term of three years. Parish Council meets the second Thursday of each month, excepting December or otherwise cancelled by pastor, staff, or chairperson. Excused absences are those that notify the pastor prior to the Parish Council Meeting. Two consecutive unexcused absences are brought to the Council’s attention for consideration of dismissal.
Members are Baptized, practicing Catholics, registered member of the parish, participating in the ongoing life of the parish, especially Sunday Eucharist, and be at least eighteen years of age. A Parish Council Member should be open to new ideas, apply their experience in the Church to how the meeting discussions proceed, and be empowered with sense of equity and fairness to all, always promoting the unity of Saint Isidore.
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month and will be kept as close to an hour as the Staff and Chairperson can manage.