Youth Ministry Sponsorship Thank You

The Following is a Sponsor Thank You Letter that a CHWC sponsor wanted to share with the Parish.

Thank you so much for helping me go to Catholic Heart Workcamp! I honestly cannot express how grateful I am for your help. I've gone to camp once before, and it's truly amazing how different both of those experiences have been.

I was put in a group with people from Pennsylvania, Mississippi, and Indiana! We were sent to clean apartments for disabled and lower income residents. Then on Friday, we were sent to a school, and asked to paint an old set of lockers. Every day we started off with Mass before heading to our worksites. Once at our worksites, we had a prayer to say before we started, during lunch, and before we left. I was the prayer leader in my group, so I got to lead these prayers and say an intention at Mass Tuesday morning!

When we got back to the school, we had a few hours of free time before supper. We then went into the evening program. During this time we played some games with the carpenter commandos and had some powerful prayer experiences.

I think my favorite part of the week was after the evening program when we met with our youth groups. The time with our youth group was set up like a small group with questions and discussion. Personally, small groups are my favorite part of any retreat, and I think we had a very good group. It was very easy to have discussions and be vulnerable with our answers to questions.

Again, I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your help. You have helped me in more ways than you could ever realize! Thank you so much!

A Student of St. Isidore.


Equipping the Saints!


Week of Work and Worship 2023